One of the largest providers for used AMADA machines in Japan.


Manufacturer: Amada

State: Sold machine

A lot of modifications :

Blade speed is inverter. Cutting pump is electric. Vise cylinder is full stroke type. Insert is modified to one-touch clamp.

Send your inquiry/message.

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    Your name (essential)

    Address with country name

    Email address (essential)


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    Write your request, question, comment


    Used MachineQuality at reasonable price

    Ask us for any kind of used AMADA machines. We will find a solution for your need to the spot.

    OverhaulAmazing renaissance

    Machine is revived as if newly made. Your option when you are short of budget for new one.

    We buy machineAt better rate

    We buy your machine to deliver to the next user for their satisfaction. Quotation is free.